10 Fun and Flirty Things to Text Your Crush

Woman lying on bed laughing at something on her phone.

How is your texting game? Are you a strong texter, or do you prefer direct and to-the-point responses, like “yeah,” “no,” “lol,” “I’m good” — you get the picture. When it comes to texting, there is an actual right answer. You should be fun and flirty. It just works better. Sending a funny meme, a subtle but flirty message, or a well-timed compliment can show your crush you have “game.”

EliteSingles is the premier dating platform for well-educated professionals and successful people. Many of our members acknowledge that, while they may have some desirable attributes, being a great texter isn’t one of them. If that applies to you, don’t worry. Elite Singles has your back. Follow these tips and let your digital content flow.

Fun and Flirty Texts for Him & Her

Texting is no longer just a techy way for high schoolers to pass notes in class. It’s mainstream communication and an integral part of your dating game. Before we get too far into how you should be texting, we should talk a little about what constitutes a text. Texts are short messages that may or may not contain images, .gifs, or links sent via:

  • Phone number
  • Social media DMs or PMs
  • A messaging app like WhatsApp, Signal, or Telegram
  • A dating app private messenger service like you will find on EliteSingles

If you’re communicating in one of the above ways, you’re texting.

Why Fun and Flirty Texts Matter

Texting is one of the earliest forms of dating communication. Unlike picking up the phone and calling someone, there are no awkward pauses in the conversation. Both parties are free to pick up the thread when they have time, and they can take their time formulating responses. When someone you like opens your text and gets a fun message, they associate you, the sender, with good times. That’s never a bad thing in the dating world.

Examples of Fun and Flirty Texts

Before we get into our actual list of ten flirty and fun texts, let’s talk about the type of texting you’re engaging in.

Playful Compliments

Who doesn’t love a little subtle compliment? When you get a picture from someone you’re interested in, it’s almost expected. One of the worst moves you can make is to criticize the pic. If you say something like, “Don’t you like to smile,” you may not get another one. Here are a few examples of some playful compliments:

  • “I have that exact dress, but it looks better on you.” It works best when a man is saying it to a woman.
  • “Wow. Did you win a genetic lottery or something?”
  • “I think I’ve figured out the solution to global warming. Any chance you could be a little less hot?”

Remember, there are no perfect one-liners. A great deal of your success will depend on whether or not the person is already interested in you.

Teasing Messages

“Play your cards right, and maybe you’ll find out,” may be the most iconic teasing message of all time. Having said that, it’s been played out. Here are some messages with a hint of seduction and mystery.

  • “I tend to loosen up after a few drinks. Know any place we can find that?”
  • “Dinner plans first. Netflix and chill later.”
  • “I get turned on by stimulating conversation. Let’s see what you got.”

It’s essential that you read the room with teasing messages. Not everyone is into sexual innuendo. This is especially important if you’re a man talking to a woman.

Cute Good Morning Texts

Avoid cliche good morning texts like “Good morning, gorgeous” or “Morning, handsome” at all costs unless you want to sound like the last 50 people they met online. Be original.

  • “So I know for the future, how do you like your eggs?”
  • “Tell me what you dreamed about last night.”
  • Simply say good morning, but avoid cliche pet names.

Many people send “good morning” texts. Make sure yours stands out.

Our Ten Fun and Flirty Texts

These are ten text ideas that you can claim as your own as long as the other person hasn’t read this article. In no particular order, here are our ten battle-tested flirty texts:

1. “You look really bored. Let’s do something to unbore you.”

Presumably, you can’t actually see the other person, so it’s a little ironic. You might get the old “Are you stalking me?” response, but it’s not a serious allegation.

2. “Want to trade secrets?”

This might lead to a little negotiation as to what types of secrets you’re willing to trade. It’s better if you actually have a secret ready to go.

3. “Do you know this song? It reminds me of you.”

Send the YouTube clip of the song. They will, of course, ask what about the song reminds you of them. Make sure that the song is:

  • Appropriate for your stage of the relationship
  • Is flattering
  • Fits the person you’re sending to. After all, you said it reminded you of them

4. “Can you guess where I am?”

Send a picture of a local place and see if the other person can guess where it is without seeing signs or branding. For example, you can send a picture from inside a local coffee shop. If they like the game, they may ask for another hint or just suggest that they meet you there.

5. “Which picture do you like better?”

Take two selfies with slightly different looks. Make sure you look your best in both and see which one they say. Another version of this is texting a picture of yourself so they have it for their contacts.

6. “WYWH”

Not everyone knows what this means, but even if you do, it’s still a good conversation opener. “Wish you were here.” Send a pic to show them what they’re missing.

7. “I think I’m missing an electron. Yeah, I’m positive.”

If you’re thinking that this doesn’t belong on this list, you’re probably correct. This represents a class of jokes that are really in right now. Nerd jokes and dad jokes are de rigueur. You can tell your own. Chances are, you’ll get an eye-roll emoji for a response.

8. “What’s the best meal you’ve ever had in this city?”

For some reason, we all love talking about food. Trying to figure out the best meal you’ve ever had can be challenging. Here’s the beauty of this text. If they tell you where it is, you can ask them if they want to go back.

9. “Cilantro or no cilantro?”

Some people hate cilantro, and others can’t live without it. There are a lot of comparison questions you can ask, and it could turn into a fun game: “Android or iPhone,” “Picasso vs. Van Gogh,” “Walnut in brownies or no walnuts,” etc.

10. What’s your go-to drink?

The objective here is obvious. You find out what the other person’s drink is as intel for your next date. “I know a really cool speakeasy that makes an amazing old-fashioned.” If you’re into French wines, you can’t beat _____ for its burgundy collection. Let’s go some time.”

Tips for Crafting the Perfect Text

Texting is not an exact science, but there are good texts and ones that fall flat. Here are a few suggestions for crafting the perfect text.

Be Genuine

Nothing sends up red flags like insincerity. Be genuine about your texts. If the other person asks you a question you don’t want to answer, don’t be cute or dodgy. Simply say something like, “You can ask me that again in person,” or “Let’s save that for when we get to know each other better.”

Keep It Light

Getting into serious text messages too early is a bad move, even if the other person seems open to it. Keep in mind that they may be talking to other people. If you’re “the serious, boring one,” you’re going to get less and less of their attention.

Personalize Your Messages

Some people love to stick with the same one-liners, but the problem is that if they’re any good, they catch on. If they’re not good, well, then they’re not going to work. Even if you’re just saying hello, use the other person’s name. “Hi, Dan” is much better than just “Hi.”

Avoid These Common Mistakes

Don’t send multiple text messages if you’re not getting a response. No one likes to have their phone blown up. Don’t send more than two or three sentences. People tend to ignore big blocks of text. If you’re over 30, use your words. It’s not a good look for an adult to use “2,” for “to” or “too.”

Meet Educated, Successful Singles

EliteSingles is the top dating app for professionals and successful adults. Our app has unlimited messaging for Premium members, so you can get lots of practice with your text messages. Sign up today!

About the author: EliteSingles Editorial

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